Education & Working experience

2024-now Shanghai Jiao Tong University Assistant Professor

2021-2024 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Postdoc

2017-2021 Western Sydney University Ph.D.

2014-2017 Nanjing University M.A.

2009-2013 Nantong University B.A.


Research directions

1、Language and well-being

My research in this area centers on the discourse production, particularly in individuals with Chinese aphasia and elderly Chinese speakers. I explore the phonetic, semantic, and grammatical aspects of language to understand how these elements are affected by aging and neurological conditions. The ultimate goal is to apply these insights to develop reliable methods for assessing language abilities and creating intelligent systems for early screening of cognitive impairments.

2、Second language speech learning

In my work on second language (L2) acquisition, I investigate how factors, such as language background, and talker variability, affect the learning of L2 phonetics. Through speech perception and production experiments, I aim to construct computational models that predict learning challenges in L2 speech learning, providing insights to improve L2 teaching practices and learning outcomes.

3、Digital humanity

My research in digital humanities relies on data science techniques to quantitatively analyse texts and explore their stylistic or semantic features, and translation styles.

Journal publications

1、Language and well-being

(1) Core Lexicon analysis of spoken discourse production by Mandarin Chinese speakers with Aphasia. Aphasiology, 1–20. 2024. SSCI

2、Second language speech learning

(1) Phonological and phonetic contributions to perception of non-native lexical tones by tone language listeners: Effects of memory load and stimulus variability. Journal of Phonetics, 96. 2023. SSCI

(2) Phonological and phonetic contributions to Thai-naïve Mandarin and Vietnamese speakers’ imitation of Thai lexical tones: Effects of memory load and stimulus variability. Laboratory Phonology, 14(1). 2023. SSCI

(3) An investigation of the dynamics of vowel nasalization in Arabana using machine learning of acoustic features. Laboratory Phonology, 14(1). 2023. SSCI

(4) Sketching the Landscape of Speech Perception Research (2000–2020): A Bibliometric Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. 2022. SSCI

(5) Native phonological and phonetic influences in perceptual assimilation of monosyllabic Thai lexical tones by Mandarin and Vietnamese listeners. Journal of Phonetics, 83. 2020. SSCI

3、Digital humanity

(1) Testing simplification in translated and creative writing texts: The case of Robert van Gulik’s Judge Dee detective stories. Across Languages and Cultures, 24(2), 268–282. 2023. SSCI

(2) Towards a socio-cultural account of literary canon’s retranslation and reinterpretation: The case of the journey to the west. Critical Arts, 34(4), 117–131. 2020. SSCI

Projects (as PI)

1、2023 Feature extraction and AI-based evaluation of discourse production by Mandarin post-stroke aphasia patients. 【Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of the Ministry of Education of PRC】

2、2023 AI-based multidimensional assessment of Mandarin post-stroke aphasia patients and its application. 【Shanghai Jiao Tong University Arts and Humanities Young Talent Cultivation Program】

3、2022 Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Diagnosis of Chinese Post-stroke Aphasia. 【China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant】

4、2022 Mechanisms and Computational Modeling of Tone Perception in Vietnamese Language Major Students in China. 【China Foreign Language Education Fund】

5、2022 Dynamics of Core Terminology and Research Hotspots in Neurolinguistics Based on Corpus and Bibliometric Analysis. 【China National Committee for Terminology in Science and Technology (CNTERM) Annual Gran】


Journal of Acoustic Society of America, Child Development, Journal of phonetics, Phonetica, Second language research, Language and Speech, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience


Committee member of Pronunciation Teaching and Phonetics Research Committee of the China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese

Also see ResearchGate

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